Newton Baptist Church
Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Abstract of Faith of the Baptist Church at Newton, Alabama
Adopted December 24, 1905
Art.    I     We believe that the Holy Scriptures were written by men divinely inspired,
                and that they are the only rule of faith and practice.
Art.   II     We believe that there is only one God, and that in the unity of the God head
           there are three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Art.  III     We believe that man was created holy, but by transgression fell,
                in consequence of which all mankind are by nature sinners.
Art.  IV    We believe that the salvation if sinners is wholly of grace
                through faith in Jesus Christ as the only Savior of sinners.
Art.  V     We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God,
only by the imputed righteousness of Christ.
Art.  VI    We believe that God chose His people in Christ Jesus before the foundation of the world,
that they should be holy and without blame before Him in love.
Art. VII    We believe that the blessings of salvation are by the Gospel
made free to all that will accept them.
Art. VIII   We believe that in order to be saved, sinners must be regenerated or born again,
and that this new birth is effected by the power of
   the Holy Spirit in connection with divine truth.
Art. IX     We believe that repentance and Faith are sacred duties, and also inseparable grace
wrought in us by the Spirit of God.
Art.  X     We believe that sanctification is the process by which, according to the will of God,
we are made partakers of His holiness.
Art. XI     We believe that such only are real believers as endure unto the end,
                and that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.
Art. XII    We believe that the law of God is holy, just, and good, and that because of the love of sin
fallen men are unable to keep its precepts, and to deliver men
                from sin and restore them through a Mediator to unfeigned obedience to the law
is one great end of the Gospel.
Art. XIII   We believe that a church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers,
and that its only scriptural officers are pastors and deacons.
Art. XIV   We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water
                        in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and that              
    is prerequisite to the privilege of a church relation,
and the Lord's Supper in which members of the church
by sacred use of bread and wine are to commemorate
       together the death of Christ.
Art. XV   We believe in the final resurrection of the dead, that at the last day Christ
will descend from heaven, and raise the dead,
that a solemn separation will then take place, that the wicked
will be adjudged to endless punishment 
and the righteous to endless joy. 
Newton Baptist Church Covenant
Adopted December 24, 1905
Having been, as we trust, brought by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior
and to give ourselves wholly to Him, we do now solemnly and joyfully covenant with each other
to walk together in Him with brotherly love, to His glory, as our common Lord. 
We, do therefore, in His strength engage—
That, we will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together but will uphold
the public worship of God and the ordinances of His house:
That, we will not omit closed and family religion at home, nor neglect the great duty
of religiously training our children and those under our care,
for the service of Christ and enjoyment of heaven:
That, we are the light of the world and salt of the earth, we still seek divine aid,
to enable us to deny ungodliness, and every worldly lust,
and to walk circumspectly in the world, that we may win souls of men:
That, we will cheerfully contribute of our property according as God has prospered us,
for the maintenance of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us,
for the support of the poor, and to spread the gospel all over the earth.
That, we will, in all conditions, even til death, strive to live to the glory of Him
who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.