Newton Baptist Church
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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For Parents

 Reputable Reviews

From a Christian Perspective is a resource provided by Focus on the Family. This site post reviews on current Movies, Games, TV, Music, and Books. Their website also has a blog that discusses different topics that parents may find interesting. Apps are available for iPhones and Androids. 

What are they Texting

Deciphering the Code
Net Lingo is a website that maintains an extensive, though probably not exhaustive, list of common "codes" used in social media. It tracks international trends as well. The list is presented in a table in alphabetical order of the acronyms. So it is fairly easy to find what you are looking for. 


From Focus of the Family
Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family is an organization built with the intent to helps families thrive. They have many resources for topics that include parenting, marriage, children, teens, discipline, etc. The website had a link to listen to the broadcast as well. They also have a store to purchase an material you find valuable to your family.