Newton Baptist Church
Friday, March 07, 2025

Missions to the World

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Dominican Republic

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Pure Water, Pure Love

     Pure Water Pure Love is a part of the Woman's Missionary Union (WMU) which is an auxiliary of the Southern Baptist Convention that was founded in 1888. It is the largest Protestant missions organization for women in the world. They have service projects that churches or individuals can choose to participate in. Pure Water, Pure Love is just one of those.
     The purpose of Pure Water, Pure Love is to provide clean drinking water to missionaries and the communities they serve at no cost to them through water filters and grants for drilling wells were there are none.
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International Mission Board

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

 The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is a special offering collected in churches in the month of December. Through giving, each church is sending and supporting Southern Baptist missionaries, advancing the Gospel to the nations – and finding a place in God’s story! Currently the Lottie Moon program supports 4,800 missionaries and their children reaching over 900 people groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.